War Against Indiscriminate Posting of Job/Campaign Adverts on Street and Highways (Graphics)
It is disheartening that these days you go out in the street, you cannot identify the transformer that supply light into your building. you can't differentiate between a billboard and the electricity transformers because everything has been defaced with Campaign posters, Jobs adverts, banners across the major streets and highways.
Talking about campaign poster, these politicians are the same people that implement this laws and because of one selfish reason violet all of them and then expect the man on the street to obey this laws.
From my little knowledge about outdoor advertising and public display of posters as stipulated by LASAA, I am aware that billboards and wall drapes should only be displayed on existing structures that are owned and controlled for advert purposes by registered Outdoor Advertising Practitioners.
Start the war against indiscriminate campaign, jobs advert or any kind of posters in your area as to help LASAA carry out their job effectively, report anyone in the act and he or she will be brought to book.
your opinion is welcomed!
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